From the Desk of Ryan W. Ozimek
  Welcome to my website. Here you'll find a snippet of my life, mostly the academic side. Browse around and check out some of my photo albums, links to recent graduate work, a few years of journalism, and assorted other items.

Below this message you'll find a journal briefing you on my recent happenings. Updated about once a month, this journal will provide an insight into my daily life, as boring or exciting as it might get.

This website undergoes constant updating. Please return soon to see where I've gone and what I've accomplished!

See ya!
Ryan W. Ozimek

June 28, 2001

Just when you thought it was bad in LA...

As I awoke to the 70 degree heat this morning, I felt the muggy feeling that can only be associated with DC summer weather. I got up, ran to the gym for a quick workout, and when I came home, I decided to watch some local news before I went to work.

"We urge residents of the metropolitan DC area not to exercise or engage in outdoor activities today as the city braces for a Red-Level smog day" - read: if you want to die, breath.

Surprisingly enough though, the smog didn't kill me. Of course, this had to be the day I had meetings across the capitol city....running from our office near the White House, across town to a business meeting, then over to the Senate buildings for a hearing.

Breathing the air became a conscious effort. Each breath felt like I was cutting through the thick air with my teeth. Oodles of fun.

The high reached 95 today. The Humidity Index told us it felt like 105.

Oh, and I almost got hit by a car that ran through an intersection and crashed into a Bank of America ATM I frequent just a minute before I got there.

What a day.


June 27, 2001

Thought you all might find this funny.

Today, our fellows group and another program got to sit on the floor of the House of Representatives to hear different congressmen speak about their experiences on the Hill.

Afterward, we had a big photo on the steps of the Capitol with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, I some other ended up in the front of the photo, and when he started speaking to us, he said he was a surfer, and asked who else was. I raised my hand, he recognized me, then asked if I had a pooka shell necklace, at which time he pulled his out from under his shirt and tie. I pulled mine out too, he laughed, and we took a photo together, holding the necklaces out over our ties!

Seems like my kind ARE accepted in DC!

As soon as I get the photos, I'll put 'em online.

He was a real conservative...he said that Jacque Cousteau (or however you spell that famous diver's name) once told him face to face that the ocean would soon be polluted with thick black oil everywhere, and no one would be able to swim in it in 10 years (1990). The Congressman told us, "yeah, right. I went surfing this weekend, and Jacque Cousteau is DEAD."

Shiver, shiver...


June 24, 2001

What's up everyone?

I just finished my first day of work here at Infotech Strategies, and I thought I'd finally clue you all in to what I'm doing this summer.

I received the Eben Tisdale Fellowship for High Tech Policy in April. This fellowship pays me to stay in DC and work with Infotech Strategies, a high-tech consulting firm. ITS has a public policy division, in which they house two corporate CEO organizations: Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP) and Computer Coalition for Responsible Exports (CCRE). Essentially, both these groups are high-level lobbying groups.

My job here is to help them work in a new arena: broadband technology. There is a big push on the Hill to create legislation friendly to opening up ventures in broadband, and we here at ITS like that. Our clients like it too. So my jobs will take on many forms, most importantly, creating a white paper (policy paper) on broadband technology policy which will be presented to Congress via the CSPP and CEOs from such companies as IBM, Agilent, Apple, etc.

My office quarters are great. We are a block from the White House and Metro, and on the top floor of one of the most beautiful buildings in DC. The view is spectacular, and the rooftop patio is open for lunches and dinners.

So, in essence, I'm doing pretty darn well. I'm heading off to a happy hour now.

PS - I'm getting good feedback from ICCAN. The CEO and President supposedly wants me to do some research for them, via good word from a professor. Check out what they do at


June 24, 2001

Well, I've finally made it to Washington, DC. After failing to make it out here by car, I successfully flew out here on a Southwest flight and moved into my new apartment at 1330 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Apt. 817.

DC really hasn't changed that much. I spent my first night here wandering around Dupont Circle, remembering my old hangouts, and recognizing new guys on the block.

My apartement is a "junior one bedroom", essentially a large studio, with large bay windows extending across one side. I overlook Georgetown, and last night I arrived just in time to watch the sunset over Maryland. The complex has a 24 hour doorman and an extensive pool and lounge area on the roof. We're above all the other neighboring apartments, so the view is unsurpassed and beautiful.

Today I just got a membership to Bally's gym. Everything here is so close to my apartment. The grocery store, Bank of America, Metro, restaurants, bars, etc., all within 1 BLOCK!

I'm off to get myself a little more settled in. Look forward to hearing from you all soon!


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